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Tips for Removing Contaminated Water From My Pool

Contaminated pool water is an unsafe environment that can quickly cause various sicknesses in swimmers who come in contact with the pathogen. Despite your best efforts, it can happen in the blink of an eye. First and foremost, as soon as you suspect your pool has become contaminated, ensure that swimmers do not enter the water until the contaminants have been removed. These tips will help you effectively remove harmful pathogens and get you back to enjoying your favorite water activities.

What Pathogens is My Pool Susceptible To?

Pools are susceptible to several different types of pathogens. The most common contaminants are:

  • Bacteria
  • Protozoa
  • Viruses

Bodily fluids such as sweat, mucus, saliva, blood, urine, feces, and algae are the prevalent causes of pathogens in the pool. However, unsanitary clean equipment, trash, or wild animals can be culprits as well. Some contaminants cause minor ailments, while others can cause serious illnesses such as E.coli.

Zero In on the Source

The first step to properly removing the contaminant is to determine the source. Often, it is easy to determine the source because someone may accidentally vomit in the pool, have an accident in the pool, or you can see algae growing in the pool. However, other times the culprit may not be as clear. For instance, if it is unsanitary pool equipment, either sterilize or replace the equipment. Remove as much of the contaminant as possible (if possible). This may require a pool skimmer or even a vacuum.

Shock Your Pool

Most contaminants such as feces and bodily fluids require a shock in order to disinfect your pool thoroughly. Shocking your pool means adding chemicals to increase the "free chlorine" level to the point that contaminants are destroyed. Did you know that a pool that smells strongly of chlorine isn't chlorine at all? It is actually chlorine that is bound to particles such as sweat, called chloramines. A strongly smelling pool is one that needs to be shocked. A truly clean pool should have almost no odor at all.

There are several types of products you can use to shock your pool. Be sure to always follow the manufacturer's instructions and test the water before allowing anyone to enter the pool.

Use a Sanitizer

Add a sanitizer to the pool water in the dosage recommended by the manufacturer to fully sanitize the pool after a shock. Chlorine sanitizing tabs is the most popular sanitizer used. A word of caution: Using just a sanitizer without shocking your pool first will not properly disinfect it. The reason is that the free chlorine will not reach high enough levels to sanitize the water or remove the contaminants fully. A sanitizer should always be used in conjunction with a shock treatment when removing contaminants from your pool.

Let the Professionals Help

A contaminated pool is not something you want to play around with, especially with people's health at risk. It is possible to disinfect your pool yourself if you have experience. However, hiring a professional is your best bet if you are unsure about the best course of action or even what kind of contaminant you are dealing with. Davis Water Service is the leading water provider for residential and commercial pools. No matter how big or small your pool is, we've got you covered. If you must drain your pool water in order to fully decontaminate or just need a top-off, our professionals deliver the highest quality pool water. Summer is right around the corner. Make sure your pool is ready! Contact us today for all of your water service needs.