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Davis Water News

Five Community Scenarios that Rely on Water Delivery

In the United States, we’re fortunate when it comes to water. Unless you’re hiking in the backcountry, water is almost always available when we need it. Our municipal systems and regulations give the vast majority of America’s population access to clean, potable water on demand.

Water requires protection.

The problem with not having to think about our water is that all resources, even renewable ones, need to be managed. Waste, pollution, and aging equipment present consistent threats to our water system, and their potential damage has to be actively prevented. You’ve probably heard about a lot of ways you can do your part to protect our water. The thing that many conservation and prevention programs fail to mention, though, is that not all water shortages can be prevented.

We can’t control the weather.

When disaster strikes, water is one necessity that doesn’t allow for compromise. People and animals can survive a lot longer without food than they can without water. To really cover your bases when it comes to protecting your family’s access to clean water, you need an emergency plan. Just like the go bags you keep ready in case of an evacuation, a clean-water emergency plan makes a disaster easier to get through. By making sure you know where to get clean, potable water in a pinch, you can improve your ability to stay in your house and reduce the costs involved in an emergency situation.


If you thought droughts were a thing of the past, think again. The state of California is experiencing its worst drought ever – right now! There’s a limit to how much water a family can use each day, and there’s no end in sight. Lawmakers and scientists are still looking for long-term solutions, but bulk water delivery services like ours are playing a big part in helping California cope.

Natural Disasters

Natural disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes create all sorts of complex problems. Different people are affected differently depending on where they live in relation to the natural event. When disaster strikes, the focus of relief efforts is rightly directed to those most affected. People who have been injured or lost their homes need as much help as they can get. In terms of numbers, though, many more people experience mild to moderate damage. With their health and wellbeing intact, thousands of families can be left without access to basic utilities. Especially in a weather emergency, which includes access to clean water. Companies like Davis Water keep the water flowing even when the Municipal water system breaks down. In situations of need, we create a seamless system that ensures continuous availability of clean water from the moment we arrive.


You can think about contamination as an un-natural disaster. Single households or whole community water systems can be contaminated in the case of a train wreck, industrial accident, or human error. When it happens, the need for water is immediate, and service may not be restored for days or weeks. Bulk potable water provides quick and easy access to clean water so that responders can focus on cleanup and a permanent solution.


Contamination is a form of pollution that usually happens when the safety of water is suddenly compromised all at once. Natural contaminants like bacteria and dirt are actually the most common causes of water pollution. Gradual pollution accumulates over time, affects more people, and can be harder to resolve. While oil spills and industrial accidents capture headlines, the most persistent forms of pollution threaten water systems more quietly. Failing septic systems, wastewater, and runoff from agriculture and lawns all contribute quality-depleting nutrients to the water supply.

Water Main Breaks

The most common causes of water emergencies involve a problem with the water itself, but issues with its delivery system can be just as disruptive. Most water main breaks affect a limited number of people, but they can do so for quite some time. Bulk water delivery lets residents and businesses return to normal even while repairs are still being made. This reduces financial strain, displacement, and interruption.

Only use it if you need it.

Even we hope that you’ll never have to use your emergency water plan, but we also hope that you’ll make one anyway. Add the phone number of your local potable water delivery service to your emergency contacts, or put their business card in your go bag. Then you can stay water-secure even if something serious happens.